Prospects are a list of people who have signed up for email updates located in the footer of all pages for non-logged in users and/or users imported from a previous email list.

If you'd like to send an email to individual or all of your prospects, follow the instructions below: 

  1. Log into your Team Sports Admin account. 
  2. Select EMAIL from the main menu.
  3. Under Select Recipients, click the Prospects radio button.
  4. Next, click to the To Email Address field.
  5. You will see a drop down list of prospects where you can choose individual prospects to email.
  6. If you'd like to email all prospects, type in "Select All" in the To Email Address field. 
  7. Fill in the remaining fields and click Send Email when you are ready to send.

If you would like to see reporting of past emails sent, check out this article: As an Organization Admin, how do I use Email Reporting?