You can enable public player profiles for any event. If you'd like to collect and share player profiles publicly for your camp participants, follow these steps below:

  1. Log into your Team Sports Admin account. 
  2. Scroll over EVENTS in the main menu and click CAMPS.
  3. Click the camp you'd like to enable public profiles for from the list, or use the Search Bar to locate it. 
  4. Once the camp is open, scroll down to Enable Player Profiles and Rosters.
  5. Click the check box next to: I want to collect player profile images.
  6. This will display another check box: I want to make player profile images required for my customers to fill out. If you choose to check this box, the profile images will be required for players to complete their registration. 
  7. To display the player profiles publicly, you will check the box next to I want to enable public player profiles.
  8. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Update Camp.

To view the public profiles, visit your organization's Team Sports Admin home page, [YourOrganization], and before logging in, click CAMPS on the top of the screen. This will give you a list of your camps that you have enabled public profiles for where you can search by camp name or individual player's name.