Here's how to update a participant's billing information, for example if they have an outstanding or recurring payment that needs new information.

  1. Log in to your Team Sports Admin account. 
  2. In the main menu, click PAYMENTS.
  3. Click the Upcoming or Outstanding tab.
  4. Find the specific player's name whose billing information you want to edit, and under the Actions column on the right, select the Edit pencil icon.


Add a new Billing Address

  1. Under the Billing Address section, click on Add Address.
  2. Fill out all the required address fields.
  3. Click on Save Address.

Edit an existing Billing Address

  1. Under the Billing Address section, expand the existing Billing Address.
  2. Click on Edit Address.
  3. The current address will show up as editable input fields.
  4. Make any needed changes and the click Save Address.

Add a new Credit Card Payment Method*

*Before adding a new payment method make sure you have received and documented permission from the customer to perform this action on their behalf.

  1. Under the Payment Methods heading, there is an Add Payment Method section.
  2. Click on Add Debit / Credit / ATM Card
  3. Enter in the new Debit / Credit / ATM Card information.
  4. In the Link a Billing Address to this payment method drop down, select an existing Billing Address to associate with this payment method.
  5. Confirm the selected Billing Address information is correct.
  6. If you want this payment method to be set as the default for future payments that are created, select "Set as Default Payment Option"
  7. You must also select "I acknowledge I received permission from this customer to change the payment method information for this invoice." before adding this payment method.
  8. Click on Save Card to submit this payment method.

Add a new ACH Bank Account Payment Method

Note: you are not allowed to create a new ACH Bank Account payment method on behalf of the customer. This is because in accordance with NACHA Rules, all ACH payments must be authorized by the customer. If you want your participant to pay via ACH please invoice the customer instead.

Edit an existing Credit Card Payment Method*

*Before editing an existing payment method make sure you have received and documented permission from the customer to perform this action on their behalf.

  1. Under the Payment Methods heading, there is a Saved Payment Method section.
  2. Click on the Credit Card you wish to update.
  3. If you want to update the Credit Card information, click on Edit Card Details.
  4. Update the Credit Card information.
  5. If you want this payment method to be set as the default for future payments that are created, select "Set as Default Payment Option"
  6. You must also select "I acknowledge I received permission from this customer to change the payment method information for this invoice." before editing this payment method.
  7. Click on Save Card.
  8. If you want to update the Billing Address associated with this payment method, click on Change Address.

  9. Select a different Billing Address to link to this card, and then click Save.
    1. Note: If you want to update an already existing address, you must do this by following the steps above for "Edit and existing Billing Address" instead.

Edit an existing ACH Bank Account Payment Method

Note: you are not allowed to edit an existing ACH Bank Account payment method on behalf of the customer. This is because in accordance with NACHA Rules, all ACH payments must be authorized by the customer.