1. Log into your Team Sports Admin account as an Organization Admin.
  2. Find the incomplete registration you are looking for. You can accomplish this a couple of different ways.
    1. From the Incomplete Registrations section on your dashboard, click on the blue number next to the event type you are looking for:
      Dashboard - Incomplete Registrations
    2. From the event type (Season, Camp, Other Event, Tournament) management page, click on the Incomplete Registrations Report
      Manage Camps - Reports
  3. On the Incomplete Registrations report, locate the incomplete registration from the list, or use the search options at the top. 
  4. To the right of the participant's name there is a column called Outstanding Items
    1. If the player has not yet signed their documents a blue document symbol will appear. If the participant has already signed documents previously, you can click this symbol and follow the on-screen instructions to mark the documents signed offline. If they have not, you could instruct them to do so by logging into their account.

      Outstanding Items - Needs Document Signature
    2. If there are no documents to sign, only the money icon will appear.
      Outstanding Items - Money Icon
  5. Click the money icon.
  6. You will be on the Incomplete Registration Payment page
    1. Select the appropriate Payment Method and associated Billing Address.
    2. Before proceeding with payment, you must acknowledge you have received permission from the participant to authorize this charge.
  7. Click Pay. This will submit the payment and if successful, complete the participant's registration.